

Best Answer

Congratulations! You most likely are pregnant... a doctor would let you know for sure

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Q: Your period is sixteen days late is never been this late before the latest has been no more than 8 days and you feel little menstrual cramps not as painful as you usually get them could you be pregnan?
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Why do girls stomach hurts when they have they menstrual cycle?

The uterus is near the stomach and during the menstrual cycle the uterus becomes inflamed and women usually experience menstrual cramps.Due to the close proximity of the stomach digestion can also be painful

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They are usually only mild and happen sporadically. As your tummy grows it feels like a sharp stretching pain or ache but usually doesn't last long. Sometimes they are as strong as menstrual cramps but if they are very painful call your doctor.

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it could, but usually, no. 8 out of 10 chance it will not affect your menstrual cycle

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