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Celiac disease can produce a variety of symptoms, depending on how severe it is as well as other personal variables. Common symptoms in more severe cases of Celiac include diarrhea and weight loss. In milder cases, symptoms may include fatigue or anemia. There are other symptoms that occur more rarely, and it is also possible to have Celiac without displaying any symptoms.

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Q: How To Identify Common Symptoms of Celiac Disease?
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What are common symptoms of celiac disease?

Common symptoms of Celiac disease are intestinal and gastric problems. Diahrea, vommitting and other intestinal disorders can all be symptoms of this health problem.

Who would you diagnose celiac disease?

By comparing your symptoms with the common symptoms of Celiac Disease such as constipation, rashes, weight gain/ loss etc.

What is the most common celiac disease symptom in children?

Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms of celiac disease in children. Other common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue, and failure to thrive. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and management.

How common is celiac disease?

Its pretty common. Most of the world has it. But not everyone

How common is celiac disease in people with diabetes?

People with insulin dependent diabetes (type I) have a much higher incidence of celiac disease. One source estimates that as many as one in 20 insulin-dependent diabetics may have celiac disease.

What was the most common disease of the 1970's?

The celiac disease when the immune react to the protein gluten

What are the symptoms of Celiac's disease?

I was diagnosed with celiac disease when I was four years old. Although I have grown up learning to say no to food that I didn't know what the ingredient list was, occasionally I eat wheat, malt or barley by accident or contamination. Some symptoms that I experience are; tingling fingers, diarrhea, cramps, passing gas, and nightmares. Many times I have woken up the morning after I had come in contact and family members have said they hear me crying or screaming in my sleep and that is how I know that I have come in contact. The next day is when you experience most or all of the other symptoms. Hope this helps anyone that may think that they are a celiac. Also if you live in Canada there are many Celiac Association meetings where they discuss celiac disease. You can find more information at the Celiac Association website in the link --->

An Introduction to Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease was once thought to be rare, but increased knowledge of the disease has led to a surge of new diagnoses in the last ten years. The disease effects nearly 3 million people in the United States and can be fatal if left untreated.What is Celiac Disease?Celiac disease is a condition that effects the digestive system. It is triggered by the consumption of gluten, which is a component of wheat, rye and barley. The disease causes the body to attack the intestinal lining, which is essential to the absorption of nutrients.What are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?The symptoms of celiac disease may vary from patient to patient and some only complain of vague discomfort. Common symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. These symptoms are similar to those experienced by patients diagnosed with a host of other diseases, including stomach ulcers, infections, anemia, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.Some patients may experience a skin rash, upset stomach, depression, anxiety, joint pain or oral sores. Other symptoms may include osteoporosis, tingling in the limbs, gray-colored stools, fatigue, stomach cramps or weight loss.What Causes the Disease?Doctors still are not sure what causes celiac disease, but they believe that it may be genetic. People with a close blood relative that have been diagnosed are more likely to develop the disease themselves. Other risk factors include having Down syndrome or colitis. People that have type 1 diabetes or a thyroid disease are also at a greater risk for developing celiac disease.How is Celiac Disease Diagnosed?Diagnosing celiac disease can be difficult, as symptoms often mimic those of other disorders. Higher levels of certain antibodies can be detected through a blood test. These extra antibodies may be produced by the body in an effort to destroy gluten. Damage caused by celiac disease can be seen when doctors take a sample of the small intestine. Some doctors use camera pills to view the small intestine. This endoscopic procedure allows the doctor to examine the patient's intestinal tract by collecting hundreds or thousands of images.

Celiac Disease Symptoms & Treatments?

Celiac disease, also known as celiac sprue, affects approximately three in 400 adults, making it one of the most common disorders of its kind. People with this disorder have an autoimmune response to gluten, a protein found in many grains. Early diagnosis and proper management of this condition is important in order to maintain good health. Fortunately, if you have celiac disease, management is simple and effective.Celiac disease symptomsThe first symptoms of celiac disease that you may notice include gastrointestinal problems, such as chronic diarrhea or constipation (sometimes both), abdominal pain, excessive gas and bloating. Because the disorder causes changes in the intestine, your body may not properly absorb nutrients from food, which may cause you to lose a lot of weight even if you think you eat enough. If your condition remains unmanaged for a long time, this inadequate nutrition may cause other problems, such as osteoporosis, vitamin deficiency or anemia. Less obvious symptoms of celiac disease include large amounts of fat in the stool, fatigue and depression.Diagnosing celiac diseaseThe definitive test for celiac disease requires a biopsy, or tissue sample, from the portion of the small intestine just beyond the stomach. Often it is not practical to do a biopsy, so your doctor may order a blood test to look for several antibodies that are usually found in people with celiac disease. If these tests are inconclusive, your doctor may make a tentative diagnosis based on your symptoms and ask you to eliminate gluten from your diet for a while. If your symptoms improve after eliminating gluten, your doctor may confirm the diagnosis.If you suspect that you have celiac disease, consult a qualified physician as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can minimize the effects of celiac disease and return you to good health. What happens nextTreatment is simple. If you are diagnosed with celiac disease, you must eliminate gluten from your diet. Gluten is a protein found in all kinds of wheat, (including spelt, einkorn, kamut, triticale and semolina), rye, barley and many varieties of oats. You must avoid foods containing any of these. This is challenging at first, because these grains are often used in ways that are not obvious, such as filler, starch, binder, excipients, extenders and malt. Fortunately, more and more foods are labeled clearly as to whether they are gluten-free. It may take some time for your symptoms to subside, but some relief comes fairly quickly.Living with celiac disease is challenging, but the condition is eminently manageable. If you follow the dietary guidelines and your doctor's instructions, you can expect considerable relief from the symptoms of celiac disease while eating well. If you suspect that you have celiac disease, please consult a qualified professional, because you do not have to live with the discomfort of celiac disease.

What is atrophy of the duodenum?

This is the deadening or wasting away of the membrane lining the duodenum (small intestine connected to stomach) .

What symptoms are for the celiac disease?

There are many symptoms that can vary basing on the person. And most people do not have all of them if they do have Celiac.The most common symptoms for people with Celiac would be-Abdominal cramping, intestinal gasDistention and bloating of the stomachChronic diarrhea or constipationUnexplained weight loss with large appetite or weight gainBone or joint painFatigue, weakness and lack of energyDepressionMouth ulcersTingling or numbness in hands or feetMigraine headachesIf you are concerned or suspect that you may have Celiac disease, contact your current doctor to ask for a blood test.

What is the best way to get a celiac disease test?

Yes. Children can get Celiac Disease at any age. A child can have Celiakc Disease when there born. Adults and Children and teenagers can get it. Even grandparents. At any age you can get Celiac Disease.