

is blood type O universal if not what is?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, blood O is the universal to be more specific O-. It is universal cause the Red blood cells have no antigens on their surface allowing for the cells to be donated to people with any blood type.

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Q: Is blood type O universal if not what is?
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Is blood type O a universal recipient?

People with blood type O are universal donors, not universal recipients.

What blood type is a universal donor and what blood type is a universal receiver?

Blood type O is a universal donor of all blood types but can only receive from blood type O. Blood type AB is the only blood type that is a universal receiver of any blood type, but can only receive from blood type AB.

Which blood type is the universal blood type?

Type O negative blood is a universal donor blood type. In normal circumstances, anyone can receive type O negative blood in a transfusion. When it comes to plasma donation, type AB positive is a universal donor.

Which blood type is theoretically considered the universal donor?

The blood type that is theoretically considered the universal donor is type O. Type O blood does not have any antigens, therefore it is compatible with any blood type.

What type of blood can be given to anyone?

O+ :is a universal donor

Why is type O blood not universal anymore?

Blood Type O+ is not universal (in ALL human beings), but is still regarded as the universal donor.

Universal blood recipient?

If you are AB positive (AB+ is universal receiver for positive blood group) then you can receive blood from A+, B+ & O+ & if you are AB negative then you cn receive blood from A-, B- & O-.

What is the unversal donor blood type?

Type O negative.

If I have type O blood would I be a universal Donor, or recipient?

People who have type O blood are universal donors, but not universal recipients. They can donate to anyone, but can only receive blood from another type O person. This is why type O blood is always in great demand by blood banks.

Are people with blood type O can be considered blood type universal recipient?

Yes, blood type "O" is considered universal recipient. Blood type "AB" can not donate too someone with blood type O can donate blood too a person with blood type O.

Which blood group is the universal donor?

Group O is the universal donor. The downside for people with type O blood is that although their blood can go to anyone with any type (A,B, or O), they can only receive type O for themselves. Luckily, O is common.

Is blood type o the universal donor?

Yes, type O blood is considered universal because they can donate to all other blood types. It is also the most common blood type. They only can receive blood from another type O person.