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Go to your regular doctor and tell him/her your symptoms and that you think you have adhd. It is cheaper than going to psychiatrists or specialists.

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Q: Where can i get diagnosed for adult adhd and still save money?
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Related questions

What is the difference between ADHD in adults and kids having ADHD?

ADHD is more commonly diagnosed and treated in kids. Aside from this, both children and adults generally manifest the disease in a very similar fashion.

What year did Michael Phelps get diagnosed with ADHD?

he was diagnosed at 9 years of age

When was Jim Carrey diagnosed with ADHD?

When he was a child

Was Billie Joe Armstrong diagnosed with ADHD?


What is the prevalence of ADHD in the US?

About 3 to 5 percent of school-age children in the United States are thought to have AdHD. This means for a classroom of 20 to 30 students, on average there is one child with ADHD. Boys are four time more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD.

Does Paul Walker have ADHD?

No information has been released indicating that Paul Walker had been diagnosed with ADHD.

What are the negative social implications for an adult being diagnosed with ADHD?

Why would you have any negative social implications as an adult? You certainly have control over who finds out that someone has put a label on you. If you get on meds that are right for your condition, it will only help any social dilemmas. I was diagnosed and treated as a child and after neglecting it for 25 years, I was again diagnosed, Adult ADD. My social interaction with people and co-workers has been much, much better.

What percentage of people with ADHD suffer from depression?

ADHD often occurs with other mental disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. Up to thirty percent of individuals with ADHD suffer from depression; in some cases, the depression is a result from the uncontrolled symptoms of ADHD.

Is hyperactivity adhd?

Not necessarily. hyperactivity is a part of ADHD but hyperactivity it self is not adhd. This must be diagnosed by a medical professional and the subject may have adhd or is just a hyper type of person.

Can you have a short attention span without having ADHD?

Absolutely. ADHD and ADD are so over-diagnosed, especially in young boys who genetically can't sit still and actually concentrate better when messing with something.

Did Michael Phelps get diagnosed with ADHD after his ninth birthday?


Are there scholarships for individuals with ADHD?

Eli Lilly offers the Focus on Your Possibilities scholarship to adults diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Upside: One of, if not the only scholarship program established for those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD Downside: You have to be at least 25 years old to apply