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Hahaha, no!

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Q: Am I allowed to take a parachute in my carry on bag on a plane?
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Can you take cigarettes in a plane?

You can carry cigarettes (& cigars) on an airplane however there is no smoking allowed on board.

Can you take your camera on a plane in a carry-on bag?

Yes, you can. I have taken my camera on the plane before. But I don't think it is allowed to use it at taking-off or landing. You can use your camera during the flight, though.

What would you do if there were snakes on the plane you were on while you were on vacation?

I would jump out of the plane with a parachute or pull out my pocket knife and kill them, or i would take over the plane and land the plane the and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you allowed to take an mp3 player on a plane?

Yes, unless the airline says something about it, you are allowed to take an mp3 player on a plane.

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What aren't you allowed to take on a plane?

A bomb

Can you take more then ten thousand dollars from Canada to Pakistan?

if you want to get arrested you are only allowed to carry 5 G's on the plane and if you are carrying it dont carry that much in your bag put it in many purses and wallets

Are you allowed take biscuits on the plane?

Yes, you can take biscuits on planes

Are you allowed to take slime on a plane?

Both yes and no

Can you take hairspray on planes?

No hairsprays are not allowed on the plane.

What can you take soda on plane in carry on?

You can carry soda on a plane, however some airline services are funny with people bringing their own food/drink on the plane.

Is it legal to take frozen food in the plane to US?

NO its not allowed...