Seats 10A and 10F
The seats in the middle of a plane by the wing emergency exits.
The middle back seat is the safest.
The safest place to place a car seat is in the middle of the car or behind the drivers seat.
the middle seat
Seat 20C is an aisle seat at the rear of the wing.
the Boeing 747 is bigger han the 787. The Boeing 747 can seat over 400 people, but the Boeing 787 can only seat about 300 passengers. The Boeing 747 is the second largest commercial airplane in the world. (the largest commercial airplane in the world is the airbus A380.)
back seat
The safest baby car seat that I know of is Greco. It has know to be the safest car seat in the world. I purchase a lot of their products and people has been very pleased.
Boeing 727 can easily carry 228 -230 passengers.
in the rear of the plane
In the middle seat of the back row.