My F-250 6.0 liter is running rough when it is cold then smooths out after it is warmed up. At first start it starts fine and idles fine but won't take a load when it cold and doesn;t shift well until the engine is warmed up. I have taken off the EGR valve and cleaned it. When I took off the EGR valve it was full of soot but not wet. I cleaned the EGR unit and installed the EGR back in and truck ran better for a while like 50 miles or so, then truck started running rough again when cold. Gray smoke comes out of the exhaust when cold and and while warming up. Will an EGR delete cure my problem and do I need to also delete the EGR cooler?
The 2004 Cummins does not have EGR.
does a 2004 grand am ,2.2 l have a egr valve
how can i delete a egr vavle on 1997 ford f350 with electronic fuel injection, its a7.5 gas 460
i want to know if a 2004 grand am , 2.2 engine has a egr valve
it is part of the egr valve
A 2004 Dodge Ram with the 5.9L Cummin's does not have EGR.
The 2004 Dodge Durango EGR valve can be found on the firewall in the engine compartment. The EGR valve will be on the passenger side of the firewall.
Did you delete the code? After you fix the problem you have to connect the computer back and delete the code. If you dont the code will still pop up
the egr valve on a 2004 impala should be on the drivers side of the engine. It is located at the rear towards the firewall.
The egr valve should be in the top of one of your valae covers.
Dpf and egr delete with h&s about 600Km
There is no egr valve on that vehicle.