fuse, wiring.... how long do u let it run before turning it off??..I would look to the fan relay next. also the electric fan thermostat if the car has one
alex dosent know.
check 2009 because it dosent work anymore its not worth knowing how to do something that dosent work any more whats the point
just go for it girl he dosent look for whats on the outside but whats on the inside you have to be confident your friend mackenzie
busted radiator? No water filling the cooling system
You have a problem . possibly the inside coil needs cleaning. and the air filter is clogged. May even be low freon. How about the cooling? whats happening there.
there white
Check the coolant fan see if it turns on when the engine gets hot. if not then your temp sensor could be bad
They mean whats the problem.
whats the problem?????
whats the problem?
must have air in the cooling system
I can Whats the problem