The throttle position sensor is located on the throttle plate.
The throttle position sensor is located on the throttle plate, straight across from the throttle linkage.
The throttle position sensor is on the throttle body.
The throttle position sensor is located on the throttle body at the end of the throttle shaft.
where is the throttle position sensor located on the 06 ford fusion
The 2004 Jeep Liberty throttle position sensor is located on top of the engine. The throttle position sensor will be near the injector fuel pump.
the throttle position sensor is located on the side of the throttle body
I believe it is on the side of the throttle body
The throttle position sensor is mounted on the throttle body opposite of where the cables attach.
On a 2007 Ram the throttle position sensor is part of the throttle body.
Throttle Position Sensor ( located on the throttle body )
the tps on a 93 2.3 is located on top of the throttle body...good luck in trying to change it ...its not easy ..