On a 2005 Ford F-150 : Mini fuse ( # 26 ) is a YELLOW color 20 amp fuse for the Horn Relay , Horn Power
The 2004 F-150 owners manual shows : fuse # 26 - 20 amp mini fuse - Horn Relay ( PCB3 ) , Horn Power
Horn is sounding, lights are flashing, and won't start. 1998 ford f150
Check all your fuses inside the car. The horn fuse is usually labeled.
On a 1998 Ford Windstar : ( # 16 / 20 amp )
where is a fuse for the car horn on a 1998 mondeo
It is located in the fuse panel underneath the dash.
Check owner's manual. If you don't have one copy and paste link below; www.fleet.ford.com/maintenance/owners_manuals #7 20A* Horn
If the horn doesn't work qnd it is not the fuse then what could it be?
$10.49 What about it?
a blown fuse.