Tyler ran for vice-president in 1840 with Wm Henry Harrison heading the ticket.
He became president because Harrison died soon after taking office. Tyler never ran for president .
John Tyler was US President Tyler's full name.
John Tyler had the most children, 15 at that, with only two wives!
Upon the death of President Harrison, John Tyler became the first vice president to assume the presidency. Tyler was nicknamed "His Accidency" by opponents because he seemed to gain the presidency by an accident of fate versus being elected to the office.
In speaking about the United States, John Tyler was the tenth US president. He was a member of the Whig Party and served as president from 1841 to 1845. As with many of the early US presidents, he was from Virginia.
James Madison
he didnt run for president
John Tyler
He was ejected from his party while he was president and was not nominated for a second term.
John Tyler was the 10th President of the United States.
John Tyler was the last president elected from the state of Virginia.
John Tyler preceded Polk as US president.
John Tyler was never elected U. S. President. He was William Henry Harrison's running mate in the 1840 election, so his presidency was the completion of President Harrison's term after the President's death 31 days after he took office. President Tyler did not run for reelection in 1844.
Number 10 -- John Tyler was the 10th US President.
No. He was never considered as a nominee for President.
John Tyler was US President Tyler's full name.
John Tyler had 14 children - I do not think any president had exactly 10 .
John Tyler's parents were John Tyler Senior and Mary Armistead. John Tyler was the tenth President of the United States.