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It is attributed to James Madison, but is unverified.

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Q: Do not separate text from historical background If you do you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution which can only end in a distorted bastardized form of illegitimate government.?
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What is an illegitimate government?

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Is a government that is elected by the people raises taxes a legitimate or illegitimate?

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hoe does the constitution organize the government

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The constitution sets boundaries to limit what the government can & cannot do.

Does the US government have a written constitution?

Yes, the United States of America does have a constitution written down on paper. It was ratified in 1789.

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The Constitution established the government branches Hope this helps .............

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How does the constitution reflect principle of limited government?

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A written plan of government is called a constitution.

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The level of government with the most power in the constitution is the Federal Government, followed by the state and then local government.

What is written in the US Constitution?

The Constitution states the establishment of the government and the rules for that government. See the link below for the complete US constitution.