they were not wrong. they were our colony but since Americans hate the British they are characterized as being wrong.
The Americans went to war with the British because they felt that the British were unfairly taxing them just to pay off their debts, which they were. The famous slogan: "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" means just that. There were no people in the British Parliament to represent the Americans. Besides this, the Americans also wanted freedom as a separate country.
The British were taxing the Americans without them OKing it so taxation means taxing and representation means agreement
By taxing our land, taxing our imported goods and taxing our tea!
they made the colonist fight against the british hey btw i mihgt be wrong but that did happen
Americans wanted representation in the English Government system. They felt ignored for so long that when the English began taxing them, the Americans wanted rights.
The Americans went to war with the British because they felt that the British were unfairly taxing them just to pay off their debts, which they were. The famous slogan: "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" means just that. There were no people in the British Parliament to represent the Americans. Besides this, the Americans also wanted freedom as a separate country.
The British were taxing the Americans without them OKing it so taxation means taxing and representation means agreement
By taxing our land, taxing our imported goods and taxing our tea!
The americans were mad that the british were taxing them on everything, even tea, and dumped the tea into the boston harbor in protest.
The Revolutionary War was basically Americans getting tired of the British taxing them on everything, and then rebelling and defeating the British to gain independence. So, yes. It DEFFINITELY involved the British.
no, they kept taxing the americans and that is how the americans became angry because of the taxes and they had a revolution war.
During the revolutionary war, America was trying to break free of England and king George III. The reasons for this were due to taxing, the tea party, the big massacure, and many other things. ANSWER The British didn't dislike the Americans, they supported them coming to America. Americans were British. They jsut had a VERY different opinion
the british kept taxing us the british kept taxing us
The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.
Taxing them with out representation.
because the british kept taxing tea. thus raising the prices on it ^ closeish, but the real problem the Americans were having was that they were being taxed without elected representation.