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Abraham Lincoln
It was a proclamation issued by Lincoln which freed all the slaves in states which were in rebellion (that is, the Confederate states during the Civil War). Lincoln threatened to free the slaves as a way to leverage the Confederacy into rejoining the Union. The Confederates refused. Lincoln followed through on his threat. Despite what many think, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves, only those in states which had seceded. Slaves in other states had to wait until the adoption of the 13th Amendment before they received their freedom.
I say Freedom :)
Zero, none of the states had guaranteed slaves freedom at this time.
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln hoped to maintain the freedom of the slaves through the emancipation proclamation. The catch to this is that the slaves only became free if the Union won the war.
Lincoln showed freedom by freeing the slaves because they have a right to be free
Abraham Lincoln
the freedom of the slaves
freedom for slaves
freeing slaves
Abraham Lincoln
Freedom for slaves became a reality when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. He signed the document in 1863.
some that all slaves got was freedom
Lincoln Was Referring to the Freedom of the slaves when he Spoke of " A New Birth of Freedom "