Michael Quckly DODGED The Ball THat Was Thown at him in The Game.
The Vietnam War had 16 million men that avoided US military service (dodged the draft).
past tense is dodged
US Penitentiary.
the boy dodged in a garden
blockade runners
If you dodged a bullet, you had a very narrow escape. The image is of someone actually managing to get out of the way of a bullet fired at them. If you barely escaped something bad, you'd say "I really dodged the bullet." This is usually a figurative danger rather than a literal one -- mostly you hear the phrase in terms of a bad situation at work or home. An example would be "You really dodged the bullet when you managed to convince the boss that you really were home sick yesterday."
While duelling with my opponent, I dodged the punch.
no he dodged them both
Eluded, evaded, dodged, and avoided are all synonyms for sidestepped.
Blockade runners.
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