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The impeachment of government officials is done in the House of Representatives. The case will be tried in the Senate.

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14y ago

The House of Representatives has the impeachment power.

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12y ago

It takes both houses to impeach the president. The House of representatives votes to impeach the president, then the senate actually conducts the trial.

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Where is impeachment of government done?

The impeachment of government officials is done in the House of Representatives. The case will be tried in the Senate.

Impeachment of government officials is done in the .?

House of Representatives

How are government officials removed for cause?

recall impeachment

What impeachment power does a REP have?

House Of Representatives can only impeach all government officials.

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President V-Pres Constitutional Commission Cabinet Members

What branch of government impeachment of officials?

The National Assembly (legislature) has the exclusive power of impeaching either the president or the vice president

What is Removing federal officials classified as?

The removal of federal officials is called impeachment.

Impeachment of us officials are tried by whom?

The senate

What is the point of impeachment?

To get a president out of office that has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors".

Who has authority to try impeachment cases?

The US Senate has the sole power to try impeachment cases for federal officials.

Who has the authority to try impeached cases?

The US Senate has the sole power to try impeachment cases for federal officials.