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The Supreme Court

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Annamae Wilkinson

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Q: In addition to the president who did the Virginia plan propose should have power to veto legislation?
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Who has the power to propose legislation?

the president of the executive branch mor just the president

Which agency may propose legislation and execute treaty agreements?

The Executive Branch (the President/State Department)

Can congress propose and pass legislation?

That is often the way it works. However, there is no special power to propose legislation: any person can propose legislation. Often, the Executive branch will propose legislation, or a special interest group. Even a single citizen has the right to propose legislation, but the discussion, debate, and vote on the passage of the bill is a power that only Congress has.It is interesting to re-iterate: the President and Executive branch is under no obligation to make a proposal for the agenda. It is just a tradition as presidents often have many campaign promises that they intend to fulfill. Very ironic indeed, as the president has no real authority to pass any laws whatsoever.

What role does the president play in lawmaking?

The president plays a significant role in the lawmaking process. The president can propose legislation to Congress, sign bills into law, or veto them. Additionally, the president can use their influence and platform to advocate for specific policies and rally support for legislation.

If a president cannot propose a bill how did Obama propose the health care bill?

Bills must be introduced by members of Congress (and, in the case of bills requiring expenditures, by members of the House of Representatives). The President must persuade a member of Congress to introduce any legislation that the President wants.

The state governor has which of these powers?

Propose Legislation

What power does the state Governor has?

propose legislation ....

Does the executive branch ever draft legislation?

Yes. The president is allowed to propose bills to Congress, though this is usually done through a member of Congress rather than by the president him- or herself.

The house of represantatives have the special power to initiate what kind of laws?

The House has no "special power" to initiate laws. They PROPOSE legislation which, goes to the Senate. After consultation with the Senate, the legislation then goes to the President who can either sign the legislation, making it law, or he can veto it and send it back to Congress.

Who can can propose or veto legislation any time he or she is in the state?

Son Goku

Who can not deal directly with bills or propose legislation to congress?

joint committee

What is the function and purposes of the executive branch?

propose legislation to be approved by congress