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1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly, and petition government.

2. Right to bear arms

3. No soldier shall stay in anyone's house without the owner's consent.

4. No searches of a person's belongings without a warrant or probable cause.

5. Not required to answer to a court. Nobody can be brought to trial twice for the same crime (no double jeopardy)and no self intimidation(cant be a witness against yourself).

6. Right to a speedy and fair trial.

7. When there is a suit of $20 or more, you have the right to a trial.

8. No excessive bail, or cruel punishments

9. Constitution doesn't deny pre-existing rights.

10. Everything not in the Constitution will be up to the states to decide.

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Amendment 1- Basic Freedoms

Freedom of religion (congress cannot set up a religion for the U.S. people and can't tell you what to believe), speech, press, assembly, and petition.

Amendment 2- Weapons and the Militia

Guarantees the right to bear arms for all people and soldiers

Amendment 3- Housing Soldiers

No soldiers can be placed in another citizen's home during a time of peace. They are only able to be placed in a home during war but only with the consent of the congress.

Amendment 4- Search and Seizure

No one can search through someone else's personal belongings without a warrant and there must be a specific reason for the particular search.

Amendment 5- Rights of the Accused

The Grand Jury has to have enough evidence to bring a case to trial except for the military in times of war. You cannot be tried twice for the same crime. You can never be forced to testify against yourself. Before anything happens, you have to be treated fairly with the law. The government can't take private land without paying a reasonable price.

Amendment 6- Right to a Fair Trial

The people have the right to a quick trial with a jury. You have to know what you are being charged for. You have the right to question the witnesses against you. You can choose people to stand witnesses for you and you have the right to a lawyer.

Amendment 7- Jury Trial in Civil Cases

Civil cases usually involve two people suing each other for property, personal injury, or money. You are entitled to a jury trial if the property damaged is more the 20 dollars.

Amendment 8- Bail and Punishment

Very high bails will not be enforced and excessive fines will not be imposed, or cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.

Amendment 9- Powers Reserved to the People

Powers to the people- people have rights that are not listed in the constitution.

Amendment 10- Powers Reserved to the States

The Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the constitution of the U.S. are reserved to the states or the people.

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