Tecumseh was the Shawnee chief who fought against the United States in the Tecumseh's War of 1811 to keep them out of Indian territory. This chief also fought on the side of the British in the War of 1812.
Your question makes the false assumption that there has only ever been one Shawnee chief - in fact there have been hundreds.
The Shawnee were historically divided into many bands and many villages, each with their own chiefs; there were also war chiefs, clan chiefs, peace chiefs and tribal elder.
Just a few Shawnee chiefs were :
Standing Bear was a Ponca chief who fought for Indian rights
The Indian chief was named Pontiac
Post 1947, the President is always the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian army
The leader is known as a Sachem or Sagamore.
The Shawnee Chief's name is Tecumseh. Your welcome!! :DIt's Tecumseh, chief of the Shawnees.
there was a chief
Little Turtle
It took a little digging on Wikipedia - but - his name was 'Tecumseh' - There is a short article on his history. See related link.
Chief Tecumseh was a member of the Shawnee Indian tribe.
Tecumseh of the Shawnee.
Tecumseh. A man from the Shawnee Tribe.
Tecumseh was the Shawnee chief who organized an Indian confederacy to block the westward movement of settlers in the early 1800s. He sided with Britain against the US in the War of 1812.
Chief Tecumseh was the Shawnee Indian that tried to create an alliance between all the Native Americans. He traveled across the country to accomplish this alliance for about 10 years.
The Shawnee chief at the battle of Tippecanoe was Tecumseh.