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The Bodies of Liberty was passed by the Massachusets General Court in 1641.

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Q: The Bodies of Liberty the first set of laws in the English colonies was passed by the?
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What is the name of the society of patriots that tried to force parliament to repeal measures passed to govern the colonies?

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Which of these acts that taxed the American colonies was not passed by English government?

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What was the effect Britain passed the townshend acts?

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Which colonies passed 35000 in population in 1700?

New England, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies

Who passed a tax on newspapers?

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What is not true about the Navigation Acts?

UNTRUTHS:The Navigation Act was passed in 1864. (True: Passed 1600.)Stated all sailors must be Portuguese (True: Crews must be 3/4s English)Ships could only take tobacco, cotton, and sugar were to be shipped from the colonies to ports in Asia (True: Only back to England or English colonies.)It prevented the development of the New England colonies. (True: New England colonies prospered, despite competing with British-run ships.

Only English ships could be used?

Only English ships could be used in Colonial times to transport exported goods from the Colonies to Europe and other parts of the world. This measure passed by Parliament probably led to piracy on the high seas because English ships would take possession of other ships leaving the Colonies.

What were the Nacigation Acts meant to do?

The Navigation Act 1660 (passed on 13 September) added a twist to Oliver Cromwell's Act: ships' crews had to be three-quarters English, and "enumerated" products not produced by the mother country, such as tobacco, cotton, and sugarwereto be shipped from the colonies only to England or other English colonies.