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The Bureau of Indian Affairs is now under the control of the United States Department of the Interior. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was first organized under the Department of War in 1824 and remained under this department until 1849.

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Q: The bureau of Indian affairs is under what federal department?
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The Bureau of Indian Affairs is now a part of the Department of?

Department of the interior

What body holds the ultimate responsibility for federal Indian policy?

BIA, the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

What is The primary agency concerned with Native American?

Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs

What agency serves the needs of Native Americans?

The Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs

What is the budget of Bureau of Indian Affairs?

The budget of Bureau of Indian Affairs is 2,400,000,000 dollars.

What is the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States within the US Department of the Interior. It is responsible for the administration and management of 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of land held in trust by the United States for Native Americans in the United States, Native American Tribes and Alaska Natives.

What is the modern name of the office of Indian affairs?

Bureau of Indian Affairs

What department runs American embassies abroad?

The Department of State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security oversees the security of American embassies abroad. Diplomatic operations and policies at the embassies are typically managed by the Department of State's Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, or Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, depending on the location of the embassy.

Which supports economic education and social programs to help tribes improve their governments and communities?

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Who is the director of Bureau of Indian Affairs?

Larry EchoHawk is the Assitant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs.

Does the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act apply to the US Bureau of Indian Affairs with respect to sovereign tribal nations that have legalized same-sex marriage?

Yes. DOMA currently prevents the US Bureau of Indian Affairs from recognizing same-sex marriages, even when legally performed according to tribal law. The US Bureau of Indian Affairs is an agency of the federal US Government and therefore subject to DOMA.

What was the government agency in charge of managing Indian issues?

The Bureau of Indian Affairs originally called the Office of Indian Affairs.