Yes, some disobedient slaves were killed by excessive whipping. This, however, was not the case for all slaves and masters. While there were surely some mean owners, most of them treated their slaves fairly. This is because they knew how important the slaves were to their economy.
it abolished slavery, and the freedmen and slaves were free without ever having to get back to working on plantations, but some were forced to because they had little rights and oppurtunites.
uh yeah Andrew Jackson and a lot of presidents like killed someone because of crimes like Barack Obama
The Vietnam war was the longest war American had fought in. We got involved with the war in 1954 and it ended in 1973. 58,000 Americans were killed in the war and 2-3 million Vietnamese were killed as well.
Yes she did. I attend Belmont University and it was discovered that she had slave quarters and after an archaeological dig where ultimately little artifacts were found it was decided that a parking garage would be placed there.
No , slaves have always been sold by the highest bitter. And after their separation they have never been reunited with their families again. If they tried they were threatened by a master, to get killed. So they could never risk something like that.
Slaves are only allowed to do what their owners allow them to do.
no they didn't
Serfs were barely above slaves themselves. I doubt any serfs ever owned slaves.
There is no evidence that John Hancock ever bought or sold slaves.
no they were not.
they had to do what ever their owner says
Free slaves