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Q: What are the different ways the railroads were financed?
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How was the transcontinental railroad financed?

The transcontinental railroads was financed by the Railway Act of 1863, which financed the construction of the railroad through loans and land grants.

What has the author Frank Trumbull written?

Frank Trumbull has written: 'Shall our railroads be financed with stock or debt?'

How are cograilroads different from other railroads?

cog railroads are yellow trains railroads are black

What are the ways that healthcare insurance is financed in public and private sectors?

grants consumers employers employees

Who financed the Russian revolution in 1917?

Lenin and the Bolsheviks were financed in many ways. Some were by contributions from supporters, bank robberies (mainly by Stalin and called "expropriations") and the German government.

What are three ways that railroads spurred the growth of industry?

Growth of economy

In what ways did the railroads change life in America?

opened areas for new settlements.

How did improvements to the railroads affect the economy and transportation in the US?

awesome ways that's not an answer........:/

Why were the different gauges of railroads problems?

Transshipment of fright.

What are two ways the pioneers traveld west?

Wagon train, railroads, by horse, ship.

In what ways did the expansion of railroads spur America's industrial growth?

The expansion of railroads spurred America's industrial growth in a variety of ways. The American railroads transported things around faster, it called for more steel and other necessities, which forced the factories to grow, and they populated and "civilized" the West.

In what ways did the railroad companies use their power to hurt farmers?

The Railroad Co. misused the government land grants, which the railroads sold to other businesses rather than to settlers, as the gov. intended to do. The railroads also entered into formal agreements to fix prices, which helped keep farmers in their debt. They also charged different customers different rates, often demanding more for short hauls than they did for long hauls.