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The 14th amendment banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two-thirds vote.

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Q: What banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two-thirds vote?
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What banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two thirds vote?

The fourteenth amendment bans any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban is removed by a two-thirds vote.

What particular officeholder have most been impeached and removed by the congress?

federal judges have most been impeached and removed by congress.

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Federal Judges have lifetime appointments and can only be removed by Congress.

An elected official can be removed from office by the voters through what process?

No federal official can be removed in this manner. However in some states this can occur in what is called a recall.

How is an elected official of the US Government removed from office?

The members of Congress must have a vote to remove the official from office. But, another government official must have evidence (such as a crime record, or testimony from an alleged mistress) of why the other official should be removed from power.

How long is a term in office of a supreme court justice or a federal judge?

Until they retire, die, or are removed from office by Congress.

What body of congress has to power to try impeachments?

The body of Congress that has the power to try impeachments is the Senate. The penalty for impeachment is that the individual cannot hold a federal position and they are removed from the office.

Can we the people have elected officials removed?

It depends on State laws. Some States have recall laws. These allow the people to vote to remove an elected official from office. Texas does not have such a law. Michigan does. The Federal Government does not -- you cannot remove a President. This can only be done by Congress and for specific reasons called out in the Constitution.

How many federal court judges have been removed by congress?

As of March 2010, the House of Representatives has impeached nineteen federal judges since the Judicial Branch was established in 1789. Seven judges were removed from office as a result of conviction at their Senate trail. The rest were either acquitted, or resigned before the trial.

What is the difference between censure and the explusion of a member of congress?

censure is when a political leader is publicly denounced for a wrong doing, but no action is taken. They keep their current office. expulsion is when a political leader is removed from office for a wrong doing.

How do members of Congress hold bureaucrats accountable for their actions?

They must impeach the bureaucrats. This is to bring charges against the official, in that case, it is sent to the supreme court pending investigation. If the accusations are proven true, the official will be removed from office

What is Federal Budget Process Budget and Impoundment Act?

The United States federal law that controls the Congress role in the budget process is the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act removed the impoundment power of the president.