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Q: What political party was formed by bringing several northern anti-slavery colitions together?
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What political party was formed in order to unite several Northern antislavery coalitions?

republican party

What political party was formed by uniting several northern anti-slavery coalitions?

The Republican party was formed by bring Northern antislavery coalitions together. This helped contribute to the fact that many Blacks were Republicans after slavery.

What were the Northern antislavery politicians called?

The politicians in the North that advocated anti-slavery were called Abolitionists.

What best describes the rise of the Republican Party?

It brought several northern antislavery coalitions together

Who emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former Northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats?

the whigs and democrats embraced the idea of popular sovereignty

Who where the Northern antislavery politicians who rejected radical abolitionism but sought to prohibit the expansion of slavery in the western territories?

free soilers

How could the divisions which emerged in the United states in the mid-nineteenth century be characterized as nationalism?

The main explanation for the origins of the American Civil War is slavery, especially Southern anger at the attempts by Northern antislavery political forces to block the expansion of slavery into the western territories.

During the debate over the Compromise of 1850 northern antislavery forces were particularly outraged by what they considered the betrayal of which senator?

stephen douglas

Which group of people are credited with bringing the guitar from Northern Africa to Europe?

the English

Who were the Northern antislavery politicians like Abraham Lincoln who rejected radical abolitionism but sought to prohibit the expansion of slavery in the western territories?


Who was a northern political leader?

Abraham Lincoln.

List 3 ways pro- or antislavery groups changed the structure of political parties in the 1850s?

1: After the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Democratic Party began to divide along sectional lines, with Northern Democrats leaving the party. 2: Differing views over slavery issue destroyed the Whig Party. 3: In 1854 antislavery Whigs and Democrats joined forces with Free-Soilers to form the Republican Party. ................>>>I *TRIED MI BEST* to answer this Q's. I u guyz! <<<........