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Q: What representative of the political machine controlled local jobs and services?
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What problems could arise in cities in which political machines controlled all services?

A political machine is a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive rewards for their efforts. The Political Machine causes major problems by controlling democracy and allowing favors to be used to influence voters

An informal political group designed to gain and keep power?

political machine

What is a political machine?

A political machine is an unofficial system of political organization based on patronage, the spoils system, "behind-the-scenes" control, and longstanding political ties within the structure of a representative democracy. Machines sometimes have a boss, and always have a long-term corps of dedicated workers who depend on the patronage generated by government contracts and jobs. Machine politics has existed in many United States cities, especially between about 1875 and 1950, but continuing in some cases down to the present day. It is also common (under the name clientelism or political clientelism) in Latin America, especially in rural areas. Japan's Liberal Democratic Party is often cited as another political machine, maintaining power in suburban and rural areas through its control of farm bureaus and road construction agencies. The key to a political machine is patronage: holding public office implies the ability to do favors (and also the ability to profit from graft). Political machines generally steer away from issues-based politics, favoring a quid pro quo (something for something) with certain aspects of a barter economy or gift economy: the patron or "boss" does favors for the constituents, who then vote as they are told to. Sometimes this system of favors is supplemented by threats of violence or harassment toward those who attempt to step outside of it.

Who led a political machine known as the Albany Regency was?

I believe it was Martin Van Buren

Historically the local party machine furnished important services and protection to?

immigrants and the poor

Related questions

What is a political machine controlled by?

A political machine is controlled by a powerful boss or group of bosses. The term dates back to the 20th century in the United States.

What problems could arise in cities in which political machines controlled all services?

A political machine is a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive rewards for their efforts. The Political Machine causes major problems by controlling democracy and allowing favors to be used to influence voters

What is a type of local political party organization that holds a great deal of power and is controlled by its party members?

political machine

Historically the local party machine furnished important services and protection?

For immigrants and the poor, the political machine often furnished important services and protections.

What did a an organized group called a political machine control the actions of?

A political machine was an organized group that controlled the actions of a community. Tammany Hall was one of the most infamous U.S. political machines. It controlled New York City politics from the 1790s to the 1960s. Its most infamous period was under Tweed in the mid-19th century.

How would you use the word 'political machine' in a sentence?

"Chicago's Boss Daley controlled one of the most formidable political machines the nation had ever seen."

Muckraker is another word for machine boss.?

Actually, a muckraker refers to a journalist or writer who investigates and exposes societal issues, corruption, and scandals to bring about social and political change. A machine boss, on the other hand, was a political boss in charge of a political machine that controlled votes and influenced elections in the past.

When did The Political Machine happen?

The Political Machine was created on 2004-08-10.

Why did some immigrants support the political machine?

Some of the political machines in cities were controlled by people who were immigrants themselves a generation or so ago. An example would be the Irish in Boston.

Who made the first computer numeric controlled machine?

machine? or machine tool?

Tammany hall was the name of?

political machine

Boss tweed was head of tammany hall a notorious example of a political?

political machine