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Q: What stockade was built by George Washington to supply provisions to his troops?
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How did George Washington help restore confidence in America's military in the late 1776?

Washington was the commander-in-chief of the victorious colonial army. He was not a great general, but he was popular with men and gave them confidence. He was in a constant struggle with the colonial governments to get them to supply him with men, guns and rations and his efforts were largely successful.

Why was the water supply to the Aral sea diverted?

The water supply to the Aral Sea was diverted for irrigation in central Asia.

Who recommended Washington to lead the Continental Army?

a. civil war B. higher taxes C. lower taxes D. A strong central Government i dont know what one it is......IMPROVED ANSWER:It was decided by the members of the Second Continental Congress, that agreed that George Washington was to lead the Continental Army.The Second Continental Congress began meeting in Philadelphia in May of 1775, soon after the battles of Lexington and Concord. Patriot leaders in Massachusetts urged the Congress to take charge of the militia units outside Boston and raise an army strong enough to challenge the redcoats. On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress, established the Continental Army. The next day, George Washington was made the army's commander in chief. The Congress soon named 13 more generals soon afterward. It then had to figure out how to recruit troops, supply an army, and pay for the war.Washington took command of the military camps near Boston on July 3. 1775. He immediately worked to establish order and discipline in the army. The militia units were poorly trained and undisciplined. They lacked weapons and overall organization. Their camps were filthy. Most soldiers had volunteered for service to defend their families and farms. They expected to return home after a few months. Washington issued a flood of orders and dismissed junior officers who failed to enforce them. Soldiers who disobeyed were punishment.

What is it called when the government uses some tool other than money to allocate goods?

supply management

What did malthus introduce about food supply and population?

Population would be limited by food supply. - APEX, Natural Selection

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What stockade was built George Washington to supply provisions to his troops?


Who helped supply food and other necessities to troops during the American Revolution?

Both Spain and France supplied weapons, munitions and provisions to Washington's Army.

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How do you use provisions in a sentence?

You can use "provisions" in a sentence by stating that certain provisions have been made in a contract, agreement, or law to address a specific issue or situation. For example: "The new law includes provisions for increased funding for education."

How did George Washington help win the revolutionary war?

Washington was the commander-in-chief of the victorious colonial army. He was not a great general, but he was popular with men and gave them confidence. He was in a constant struggle with the colonial governments to get them to supply him with men, guns and rations and his efforts were largely successful.

After what did King George III officially declared the colonies in rebellion?

King George III declared the colonies to be in a state of rebellion soon after George Washington established a naval force off the New England coast. The naval force allowed the Americans to attack British supply ships.

What is the definition of the word provisions?

Provisions refer to necessary supplies or items needed, especially for a journey or activity. It can also refer to a clause in a legal document or law.

What has the author W George Laws written?

W. George Laws has written: 'Report on the water supply of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and district' -- subject(s): Water-supply

In Washington state what percent of corn is grown?

Washington farmers produce around 0.2% of the nation's corn supply.

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In rise of nations how do you not get burnt when on other territory?

It is attrition, which will affect you if the enemy has researched the technologies in the stockade. Supply wagons will reduce it. Certain nation powers will also reduce it. The Russians have the most attrition (at base)

What are the main provisions of the Sale of Goods and the supply of Services Act 1980?

Goods should be. merchantable Fit for purpose match description match sample