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Q: What taxes did the national assembly abolish?
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In France did the jesuits abolish taxes collected by the church?

No, the National Assembly did.

What did the nobles in the national assembly vote to give up on August 4?

exemption from taxes

When was National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty created?

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty was created in 1976.

What did the national assembly do in response to peasant revolts and fear of foreign troops?

Declared an end to the feudal system and voted to abolish the financial privileges of first and second estate.

What did the national assembly do in response to peasant revolts and fear of foreigh troops?

Declared an end to the feudal system and voted to abolish the financial privileges of first and second estate.

What taxes does the fair tax abolish?

It abolishes 20-25%

What five laws did the national assembly pass?

People had right to voteStopped some taxes on 3rd EstatesTook land from ChurchReligious freedomAlso made 1st & 2nd Estates pay taxes

How was national assembly formed?

The National Assembly was formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates General. After the French Revolution the National Assembly became known as the National Constituent Assembly.

Since no one likes paying for parking Why don't we abolish the parking authority?

For the same reason that, even though no one likes taxes, we don't abolish taxes: The revenue is needed to fund various civic operations.

Why were the Jacobin's unhappy with the National Assembly's constitution?

They were unhappy because they still had to pay taxes.

How did France change as a result of the Revolution of 1848?

It helped to abolish slavery and the election brought forth a conservative majority in the National Assembly, and because of jobs shortage. Instead of helping it really messed things up.

Did the national constitution of 1791 abolish the monarchy?

No, it Left the king and his ministers in power as the executive branch and put the legislative assembly as the legislative part. Elections happened for each of the reps. in the legislative assembly but the king would continue to be a hereditary position. It did take away much of the kings power and in effect, it set up a constitutional monarchy very similar to that of england