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Q: Who did several Mexican states elected as governors in the 1990s?
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In the 1990s several Mexican states elected who as governors?

non-PRI candidates

How many terms are allowed for the position of a state governor?

Each state has its own rules. Normally (48 of 50 states), the governor serves for four years, but in New Hampshire and Vermont, it is only 2 years. For example, California elects governors every four years; they are elected the same year as the Presidential elections. But many states elect governors in the years when there is no Presidential election. There used to be more states with two-year terms but they have gradually changed to 4 years.

Can a Mexican become elected US President?

A natural-born US citizen of Mexican descent can be elected President, but a person born in Mexico cannot. Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution specifies the President (and Vice-President) must be natural-born, meaning born in one of the US States, US Territories, or on a US military base. Naturalized US citizens are not eligible to run for President.

Why can a woman be president?

There is no reasonable reason to prevent a woman from being president. Several countries have had female presidents, In the United States there have been several female senators and state governors. It seems reasonable that one of them will move up to President at some point.

What did the 17Th amendment mean?

The 17th amendment deals with the Senators from the states. It provides a method to allow governors and states to appoint a successor to someone that has died or resigned from their position. It also requires them to meet any additional requirements that the state has set for their legislatures.

Related questions

In the 1990s several Mexican states elected as governors.?

non-PRI candidates

In the 1990s several Mexican states elected who as governors?

non-PRI candidates

How are senators are elected by the governors of the states?

Senators are elected by the people.

In the 1990s several Mexican states elected what as governors?

Only PRI CandidatesNon-National Democratic Front CandidatesNon-MRI CandidatesNon-PRI CandidatesThis is the Answer for A+ Programs.You're welcome-Shelby D.[Good luck with your tests in World History ^..^ -Hugs-]

Who controlled the Mexican states during the Mexican Revolution?

The individual governors. Mexico is a Federal Republic, just as the United States is.

Are govenors appointed by the president?

Governors of what? U.S. States? No. U.S. State Governors generally are elected in popular vote by the State electorate.

Is the executive power at the state level carried out by the mayor?

No. Mayors are elected to govern cities; governors are elected to govern states.

In the 1990s Mexican States elected who as governor?

non-PRI candidates

Does the president choose the governor?

Answer: Governors of the states are elected by the people of the appropriate state. If a governor should die while in office the lieutenant governor may assume the role. Each state has its procedures.

Who do governors and senators report to?

Governors report to the citizens of their state who elected them, and they are responsible for the overall administration and governance of their state. Senators report to the constituents of their respective states who elected them, and they are responsible for representing the interests and concerns of their state in the legislative branch of the federal government.

Which government officials are elected every 4 years?

* State Governors * US Presidents * City Mayors

Are governors elected by citizens?

Yes they are. In fact, there have been elected governors since the beginnings of the United States (prior to that, when the US was run by England, the King appointed the governors for each of the colonies, providing the colonists with little if any input). The governor is the head of the executive branch in each state, and candidates must run for office every four years (except in New Hampshire and Vermont, where governors serve two year terms).