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Abraham Lincoln

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Q: Who ran for the Senate against Stephen Douglas and had a series of debates of slavery with him?
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Who ran for slavery against Stephen Douglas and had a series of debates about slavery with him?

Abraham Lincoln

Who ran for senate against Stephen Douglas and had a series of debates about slavery with him?

Abraham Lincoln

Over Which issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas disagree during their debates?

It was the issue of slavery that Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas disagreed about during their political debates. Stephen A Douglas supported slavery while Abraham Lincoln opposed it.

What did Abraham and Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate in the Lincoln Douglas debates?


Which issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas disagree during their debates?

It was the issue of slavery that Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas disagreed about during their political debates. Stephen A Douglas supported slavery while Abraham Lincoln opposed it.

Who ran for the senate against Stephen Douglas and had a series of debates about slaver?

Abraham Lincoln ran for the senate against Stephen Douglas. They engaged in a series of debates known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates, where they discussed various issues, with a primary focus on slavery. These debates helped elevate Lincoln's political profile and contributed to his eventual presidency.

Who in 1858 opposed slavery on moral grounds in debates with Stephen Douglas?

Abraham Lincoln.

Which best summarizes Lincoln's position on slavery in 1858?

In 1858, it was evident that Lincoln opposed slavery. He said as much in his debates against Stephen Douglas, who was his opponent in the presidential race.

Stephen Douglas from the civil war?

Stephen Douglas debated with Lincoln against slavery

Who opposed slavery on moral grounds in debates with Stephan Douglas?

Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery on moral grounds in his debates with Stephen Douglas. He argued that slavery was morally wrong and believed in the principle that all men are created equal.

Lincoln's debates with this man over the question of slavery became popular nationwide?

Stephen Douglas

What were the debates about slavery between Lincoln and Douglas called?

....The Lincoln Douglas Debates