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Q: Who said that the powers of government came from the people?
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Who said powers of government came from people?

Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. I got it right on e2020. Hope I helped! :)

What is an implied power?

Those delegated powers of the National Government that are suggested by the expressed powers set out in the Constitution.

What are the powers that the Constitution gives to the states?

The Bill of Rights grants no powers. It restrains the government from infringing the rights of the people. The rights of the people are inherent in all free persons. It is said that the rights of the people are granted by God and therefore they cannot be taken away by mere men. This is a useful concept whether you believe it or not.

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Who said " A popular government cannot flourish without virtue in the people?

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It is proven today that they did not. But the Athenians (Greek people) still practice religions in which they do, they pray to the Greek gods who are said to have 'magical powers' but in reality they do not.

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Enlightenment thinkers

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At first, no. The U.S. government said that they wouldn't at first. But then when more and more people came to them with this problem, they agreed to send U.S. troops over to help stop Kony.

Did Mother Teresa go to Guatemala?

Yes, she went there to help the people there (obviously) and got a land grant from the government. But then the government came by and said she had to leave and the government had better land, but Mother Teresa refused to go. Eventually, the government let her keep the land and let her have the other land as well.

What powers were Cupid said to have?

Cupid has the power to inspire romantic love between two people.