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Jefferson Davis - who accepted the job most reluctantly. He had been a West Point regular officer with a good record in Mexico, and felt strongly that he should be Commander-in-Chief of all the Confederate armies.

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Q: Who was elected president of the south during the civil war?
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Who the first US president elected from the south after the US Civil War?

Lyndon Johnson was the first president elected from a Confederate State after the Civil War. He was from Texas. Jimmy Carter was the only president elected from the "Deep South" , being from Georgia. (Actually Wilson was born in VA and Eisenhower was born in TX, but both left the south while they were still children).

First president from the old south since before the civil war?

"First president from the old south since before the civil war?"

Who was the Southern President during the civil war?

Andrew Johnson was the first post-Civil War President from the south, but he was never elected: He assumed office upon the death of Abraham Lincoln and was never re-elected (in fact, he was nearly impeached). Harry Truman was from Missouri, which was a border state so he could possibly be considered, but the first clear-cut southern President was Lyndon Johnson (Texas). While his first term was assuming the Presidency after Kennedy's death, unlike Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Johnson was then re-elected on his own. Since then, there have been three 'Southern' Presidents - Jimmy Carter (Georgia), Bill Clinton (Arkansas), and George W Bush (Texas). George HW Bush is from Massachusetts, so wouldn't count.

What was the reaction of the South when Abraham Lincoln was elected President?

Led by South Carolina, seven Southern states seceded from the union after Lincoln was elected and before he took office.

Who was the president of the south in 1860?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America, a short-lived nation formed of secessionist states during the American Civil War.

Related questions

Who was the king of the south during the civil war?

They never had a King. During the civil war, Jefferson Davis was elected to be president after the war if the won.

Who was the first president elected from the 'old south' since before the civil war?


Did the south have a president during the civil war?

Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederacy.

What were some similarities that the south and north had during the civil war?

The South and North both elected their own governments. The North had Lincoln, while the South had elected Davis.

What 2 Presidents were elected to represent each side during the Civil War?

Representing the Union was US President Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis led the Confederate States of America as the South's President .

Who was the president during the civil war for the south?

Jefferson Davis.

who was the president of the south during the civil war?

hay pretty

Who was president of the south during the civil war?

I don't know OK

Who was vice president of the south during the civil war?

Von Cagooving

Who was the south's vice president during the civil war?

Alexander Stephens

Who were the two president during the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was president of the North. Jefferson Davis was President of the South.

Who was the president and the capital in the south during the US Civil War?

The president of the confederacy (south) was Jefferson Davis. The capital was Richmont, Virginia.