federal goverment
George Washington
The American colonists, whose army was led by George Washington, wanted to gain their freedom from Great Britain.
Mount Vernon. It was renamed by Lawrence Washington, Elder brother of George, in honour of Admiral Vernon under whom he served in the West Indies. Epsewasson was the original name of Mount Vernon, George Washington's home.
Born into a family on the margins of the virginiaaristocracy, Washington advanced rapidly to local prominence owing to his brother lawrence-massachusetts'sbrief career in the British military establishment and to Lawrence's marriage into the powerful fairfax-virginiafamily. Ambitious and intelligent, though lacking formal education, Washington obtained the office of regional militia adjutant, the assignment of warning the French in the Ohio Valley to depart from lands claimed by Virginia, and afterward the position of special aide to Gen.
Continental Congress
federal goverment
George Washington
The initials of the president for whom Thomas Jefferson was Secretary of State are G.W., which stands for George Washington.
he was never married.
The founding father of American was George Washington, and Washington DC was named after him.
Washington did not have any serious opponents. No one actively ran against him.
George Washington
George Washington
Nathanael Greene
The American colonists, whose army was led by George Washington, wanted to gain their freedom from Great Britain.