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To have a chairmanship is to have status within any organization.

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Q: Why are committee chairmanships important?
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Does the power in Congress only resides in committee chairmanships only?


How are committee chairmen chosen?

Committee chairmen are chosen based on seniority, expertise, and party affiliation in the U.S. Congress. In general, the majority party in Congress selects committee chairmen, usually based on recommendations from party leaders. Chairmanships can also be influenced by internal committee rules and traditions.

Who can receive chairmanships in committees and subcommittees?

Members of Congress from either the Democratic or Republican parties can receive chairmanships in committees and subcommittees. The specific appointment of a chairman is typically made by the Speaker of the House for House committees, or by the majority party's leader for Senate committees. The selection process often takes into account a member's seniority, expertise, and party loyalty.

Why is access to primary education important for the committee to address?

it's important to primary education because the committee needs it

How many members of Congress are there in New York?

Varies based on committee assignments, chairmanships and whether assemblyman is in majority.

What does the seniority system do for congress?

Seniority is important in Congress because it provides a better chance for individuals to become heads of important committees. This in no way necessarily helps voters. In fact seats in Congress that don't turn over are generally seats where the incumbent takes too much for granted.

Why is a committee important in passing a bill into a law?

Because committee repesent all people's interests when they in the process of passing a bill into a law, so they are very important.

What represents an important difference the directory and the committee of public safety?

The Directory had a legislature, whereas the Committee was a Dictatorship. The committee had 12 members; the directory had only five.

Who makes the important decisions in the givers's society?

the committee

Which type of committee is considered the most important?


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Represents an important difference between the directory and the committee of public safety?

The Directory had a legislature, whereas the Committee was a Dictatorship. The committee had 12 members; the directory had only five.