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Q: Why did Congress used to investigate the government Armed Forces unions education science newspapers and other aspects of American life?
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What did congress use to iinverstigate the government armed forces unions education science newspapers and other aspects of american life?

The house Un-American Activities committee.

What has the author Vera Minnie Butler written?

Vera Minnie Butler has written: 'Education as revealed by New England newspapers prior to 1850' -- subject(s): American newspapers, Education, History

What did Congress use to investigate the government military unions and other aspects of American life?

They used the House Un-American Activities Committee.

What has the author Ernest C Hynds written?

Ernest C. Hynds has written: 'American newspapers in the 1970s' -- subject(s): American newspapers, Journalism 'American newspapers in the 1980s'

How did they fund japanes education?

Japanese public education is funded by their government. There are also private educators that are funded by the tuitions of students who attend, similarly to American education.

What characteristics in education are particularly American?

(1) Formal education in the United States consists of elementary, secondary and higher education. (2) Public educations is free and compulsory. (3) Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education. (4)Education is a function of the states, not the federal government.

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Joseph Arthur Moore has written: 'Joseph Arthur Moore papers' -- subject(s): Correspondence, American newspapers, Motion pictures, Politics and government, American periodicals

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Investigate the official language movement (an important Hispanic American cultural interest) described on pp. 243-44 of the text by researching bilingualism in education and politics in the United States. Find 4 to 6 credible Web sites or articles that support, oppose, or simply present information about bilingualism in education or politics. Most sources will focus exclusively on either topic of education or politics, so try to find at least two sources per topic.

What has the author William A McClenaghan written?

William A. McClenaghan has written: 'Magruder's American Government 1998 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American Government, 1987 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Guide to the Essentials of American Government' 'Teacher's Guide Magruder's American Government, 1981' 'Magruder's American Government 2003 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruders American Government, 1993' 'Magruder's American Government, 1988 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American Government 2001 (Magruder's American Government)' '1986 Magruder's American Government' 'Magruder's American Government 1997 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American government' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Politics and government, Study and teaching, Political science 'Magruder's American Government, 1989 (Magruder's American Government)' 'American Goverment MAGRUDER' S 2007 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American Government 2004 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American Government, 1992 (Magruder's American Government)' 'Magruder's American Government 2001 (Magruder's American Government, 2001)' 'Teacher's resource book to accompany Magruder's American government'

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How much did American newspapers cost in 1898?

The cost of American newspapers in 1898 ranged from 1 to 10 cents, with most costing around 2 to 5 cents. This price range made newspapers more accessible to the general public during that time.