Anne Hutchinson's Quote: " By now having seen him which is invisible, I fear not what man can unto me." There are more quote and you can see them by typing in ' Anne Hutchinson's Quotes '
William Shakespeare was the famous poet of all time. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway on November 1583 and after 6 months of being married; Anne gave birth to Susana, their first child.
George Anne Bellamy was born in 1727.
Anne Bradstreet's accomplishments
Anne Bradstreet lived in North Andover, Massachusetts.
All 8 of Anne Bradstreet's children survived to adulthood, but I couldn't find out any details. Sorry.
Anne Bradstreet met her husband, Simon Bradstreet, while living in England. They married in 1628. Simon Bradstreet later emigrated to America, and Anne followed him there in 1630.
Anne Bradstreet was born Anne Dudley in Northhampton, England, in 1612. She was the daughter of Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke.
Anne Bradstreet wrote poetry, focusing more on personal experience and everyday life.
anne Bradstreet anne Bradstreet
in 1612
Anne Bradstreet and her family first came to New England on June 12, 1630
Anne Bradstreet died in 1672, long before the invention of photography.
Yeah, so anne bradstreet just question god. I guess that that's simply the way it is
Three poetic elements in Anne Bradstreet "To My Dear and Loving Husband."