the definition antebellum means pre civil war south or the southern government just before the civil war
Prior to the US Civil War, Southern states were sometimes referred to as slave holding states. Technically and in reality, until the Civil War, all US states were called US states. This is not some way to marginalize the antebellum period of the US.
The antebellum South held traditional notions of domesticity. Women took care of the home, supervised the servants, and planned the meal. The men worked outside the home.
the largest antebellum southern industry was
The Second Great Awakening played a major role in increasing support for the abolitionist movement in the antebellum period.
The Americans and Creoles
Since the war, historians have called this period Antebellum
in the 1860's there was 1253 blacks in the south
they eat butt
The term Antebellum South refers to the period before the start of the Civil War. The South had an agrarian economy that relied heavily on slave labor.
The time before the war is called the antebellum period.
By 1860 the lower south became known as the antebellum south
One of the ways antebellum can be used in a sentence is the following: Antebellum refers to the American South prior the Civil War where slavery and plantation operations existed.
Better then in the south
White familes in the south during the antebellum time did not own any slaves. At least the majority of whits did not own any
Charleston, South Carolina
research common schools!
i dont know the answer