golf greens, A leaf bitten by a Caterpillar
You will get green, or something close to it.
Red leaf+rock+Green bottle= pet rock that will help you in the battles red leaf+Green leaf+Blue bottle=health potion Blue bottle+Green bottle+Puurpal bottle=Black face Green Herb+Blue bottle+Green bottle= Green Hair Green Herb+Green bottle+ purpal bottle+Mana Poishion Green Herb+Red leaf+Rock= Teliportaion spell (use once) purple bottle+Blue Bottle+green herb = talk backwards
they have mutuality relationship
a caterpillar will only eat the leaf it was born on so it depends on what kind of caterpillar it is.
Green leaves appear green because they absorb most colors of light in the visible spectrum, except for green light which is reflected. Blue light is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaf, contributing to the process of photosynthesis.
A green leaf absorbs most colors of light except for green; it mainly absorbs red and blue light. The green color we see is reflected light, making the leaf appear green to our eyes.
Violet, blue, and red are the colors your eye responds to most when looking at a green leaf.