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because they are different compared to humans, their female ovaries are larger than human ovaries

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Q: Why do fish and frog produce a huge number of eggs every year?
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Related questions

How do most fish produce young?

with eggs

Why do fish produce large numbers of young?

Because the eggs will be eaten while they are the egss and will not survive so fish produce a large number of young to guarntee a good survival chance.

Which tetra fish has the egg?

Only female fish produce eggs.

Can a male fish and a female fish produce offsprings?

yes. she makes eggs and he protects.

How many eggs do rohu fish lay at a time?

Rohu fish produce upto 1 lakh eggs/kg body weight. Depending upon the weight of the fish it can produce upto 27 lakhs eggs (~ 20 to 30 % of body weight).

What is a CAVIR number?

fish eggs

Why do fish have high number of offspring?

because fish eggs are so small, fish can fit more eggs in the womb.

Does molly fish produce eggs?

Every so often you might see a egg being laid because the male molly did not do a very good job of fertilizing the the female's eggs. Molly are livebearing fish meaning that they give live birth other than a few infertile eggs once in a while

What are the ways for a fish to produce?

Females lay the eggs, and the Males Fertilize over them.

Fish born alive or in a egg?

Some fish species produce eggs and some fish species give birth to live baby fish.

Do angler fish have eyes?

Most species lay eggs once a year (though this can be several batches of eggs over a few day period) other fish can lay eggs every few weeks or every few months.

How many eggs to fish produce?

they produce 1000's each time the lay eggs.