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Q: How was slavery traditionally practiced in parts of Africa before the 1500s?
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Was the Bill of Rights written before slavery?

No, he Bill of Rights was not written before slavery. Slavery was already being practiced long before Columbus discovered the Americas.

What was slavery like in Africa before Europeans got involved?

There was no slavery in Africa before the Europeans got involved!

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How did trade affect east and west Africa before the 1500s?

Before the 1500's trade in Africa was slavery to England and other countries. The slavery trade was from 1500-1800's

Did portuguese traders introduce the concept of slavery to Africa?

No, slavery existed in Africa before Portuguese traders arrived. However, the transatlantic slave trade expanded the scale and brutality of slavery in Africa.

Was slavery highly practiced in Texas?

Yes, slavery was widely practiced in Texas during the antebellum period, particularly in the agricultural regions where large plantations existed. Slavery played a significant role in the economic and social structure of Texas before the Civil War.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

What was slavery like in Africa before the arrival of europeans?

It was much worse than slavery in the America's.

Did the us annexing Mexico start slavery?

No. Slavery was practiced in the U.S. since its founding, and even before that when the future U.S. was still a set of colonies.

How did trade affect east west Africa before the 1500?

Before the 1500's trade in Africa was slavery to England and other countries. The slavery trade was from 1500-1800's

How did European change the institution of slavery in Africa?

Slavery existed in African trade long before europeans arrived

Did slavery exist in Africa before they were brought to America?

Yes slavery did exist in Africa prior to the presence of slavery in the Americas. Anyone who was banished from their community, any who were caught committing a crime or any prisoners of war were enslaved. Slaves were looked upon, not as property, but as investments that helped contribute toward the success of their owner's plantation. Some were eventually accepted into the family as extended relatives, and some had the hard labor jobs that the Americas were known for.Bentley, 2002