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No kidnap - the woman went quite willingly, and stole her husband's property to take with her and Paris (Alexander) prince of Troy.

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Q: Who kidnaps Helen to begin the Trojan War in the story of The Iliad?
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How does the Iliad begin and what is the significance of its opening scene?

The Iliad begins with the anger of Achilles, a powerful Greek warrior, and its consequences in the Trojan War. The opening scene sets the tone for the epic poem, highlighting themes of pride, honor, and the destructive nature of war.

Why did the Trojan war begin begin?

Paris, prince of Troy abducted Helen to Troy. She was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. The brother of Menelaus, Agamemnon, then led a Greek expedition against Troy. The Trojan War began around 1200 BC.

How did the Trojan war begin?

The Trojan war began when Helen eloped with Paris. Helen was the wife of Menelaus; king of Mycenae (Sparta) and Paris was the son of Priam, King of Troy. The couple escaped back to Troy; and Menelaus called upon the rest of the Greek states to support his effort to get Helen back. When the Trojans refused to give Helen back to Menelaus the Greeks attacked the city; and after a long siege Troy was destroyed.

How the trojan war begin?

Helen of Sparta, wife to Menelaus was kidnapped by Paris of Troy because Paris was promised the most beautiful woman in Greece by Aphrodite after he judged Athena, Aphrodite and Hera in a contest of who was the fairest.

When does The Odyssey begin?

It begins after the Trojan war. :))

What is the main theme of the iliad?


Who attacked troy to begin the Trojan War?

The Greeks .

When did the legendary Trojan Wars supposedly begin?

About 1000 BC

In The Odyssey why does Helen put a drug in the wine?

In Book 4 of The Odyssey, Odysseus' son Telemachus, and Nestor's son Pisistratus, are visiting Helen and Menelaus in search of news about Odysseus. They begin to reminisce about the Trojan War, remembering all the fallen heroes, and soon they are all sobbing sorrowfully. To restore levity to the evening, Helen drugs the wine with a potion she has been given by the queen of Egypt.

When do you use an appositive?

When you wish to clarify the subject of a sentence. The appositive comes after the subject separated by commas. In the sentence below, appositive is in capitals. Helen, THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED A THOUSANDS SHIPS TO BEGIN THE TEN YEAR TROJAN WAR, was the daughter of Zeus...

When did the Trojan War begin?

Tradition places it in the early 12th Century BCE

According to the legend why did the Trojan war begin?

Helen left her husband Menelaus king of Sparta to run away with Paris, looting his possessions to take with her to make herself more attractive. The Greeks retaliated by mounting a 10-year looting expedition of Asia Minor.