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It was the king of Spain defo cause he was not amazeballs and he was a arrogent little person who wanted everything under his power!!

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Q: Who was more to blame for the war between England and Spain Elizabeth or Philip?
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Who was reigning monarch in the Spanish armada?

Queen Elizabeth in England and King Philip in Spain.

Who tried to invade England against Elizabeth I?

Philip ll of Spain with the Armada

What is the connection between Phillip II of Spain and Queen Elizabeth?

Philip ii of Spain, proposed to Elizabeth i to try to turn England catholic, who was protestant at the time. Elizabeth however declined and remarked that she was married to England, and died a spinster her entire life. Philip however, got mad so decided to invade England with his Armada, which was torn to peices by Sir Francis Drake, and his ship 'The Golden Hind'

What provoked the conflict between the Spanish Armada and English navy?

A lot of things for example Queen Elizabeth I of England refused to marry King Philip II of Spain, Elizabeth was Protestant and Philip was Catholic, Elizabeth encouraged pirates to steal treasure from Spanish ships, Elizabeth refused to let Philip turn the Netherlands people into Catholics, Elizabeth executed a Catholic Queen, Sir Francis Drake(he was friendly with Elizabeth) set fire to Spain's best ships and so on.

Who was on the throne during the spanish armada?

Queen Elizabeth l in England and Philip ll in Spain

What issues led to the problems between Spain and England and how were they resolved?

Spain and England got along well but the relationship ended after Elizabeth turned down the Spanish King Philip II marriage proposal and remained single. Elizabeth's Religious Settlement angered Spain because they wanted it to remain Catholic.

Why did Philip of Spain want to kill Elizabeth?

because Elizabeth I was a Church of England Protestant, like her brother Edward and father Henry VIII. Mary, daughter of Catherine of Aragon was a Catholic, and married King Philip I of Spain.

What did king Philip of Spain hate?

elizabeth 1st for not accepting her hand in marriage as well as killing mary queen of scots. Philip wanted England back so he proposed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth said no because of religion wise. Elizabeth was Protestant and Philip was Catholic.

What was the connection between Philip elizabeth and Mary?

Assuming you mean Philip of Spain, Queen Elizabeth I, and Mary I : Elizabeth and Mary were half-sisters, Mary married Philip. That would make Philip Elizabeth's brother-in-law (or at least half-brother-in-law.)

What were the links between England and Spain in the armada?

Queen Mary marred Philip II of Spain

Religious reasons on the spanish armada?

King Philip II of Spain was a catholic, as was all Spain; Queen Elizabeth I was a protestant, as was most of England and to Philips' eyes they were heretics. Philip had the blessing of the pope for the invasion of England to spread catholicism.

What pope aided the king of Spain's invasion of England?

Pope Sixtus V renewed the excommunication of England's Queen Elizabeth I. He also subsidized the planned invasion of England by King Philip II of Spain.