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Q: Why does Odysseus leave Eurylochus alone with the men on the shore of the island?
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Compare and contrast Odysseus and Eurylochus?

Eurylochus is a coward he would have left the men as pigs when circe changed them while Odysseus wouldnt leave them. He also told the men to eat the cattle and sheep while odysseus told them not to. They are also both in a form of command on odysseus's ship. Odysseus is couragous and headstrong.

Who asks Odysseus to leave circe?

Odysseus' crew men ask Odysseus to leave Circe's island after a year on her island.

How was the Odysseus supposed to leave the island of calypso?

on a raft of trees

While Odysseus is struggling in the ocean between Ogygia and Phaeacia Poseidon decides?

to give Odysseus a break and leave him alone.

How does Odysseus men disobey him?

Odysseus told his men to leave the Sun God's cattle alone, but they disobeyed him. This is because they were starving.

Who suggests Odysseus should leave kirkes island?

Hermes, the messenger god, suggests to Odysseus that he should leave Circe's island and continue his journey home to Ithaca. Hermes warns Odysseus about the danger of staying too long on the island and advises him on how to break Circe's spell.

Why does Odysseus leave Circe's island?

les cacnas le puss de Odysseus tricanis

Why does Odysseus decide to leave circe's island?

his men convince him to leave after the guy falls off of the roof

What were the places Odysseus visited on his journey?

After Odysseus and his fleet leave Troy they visit:Cicones (Ismaros island)Land of the Lotus EatersCyclops (Polyphemus; one of Poseidon's monster sons)Aeolus (King of winds)Laestrogonians (giant cannibals)CirceLand of the Dead/HadesSirensSyclla & CharybdisThrinakia (Sun God)*Calypso*Phaecia (King Alcinous' island)And Finally *IthacaKey:*= Odysseus visted it alone

Who helps Odysseus get away from Calypso?

Hermes tells Calypso she must let Odysseus go.Calypso helps Odysseus build a raft to leave the island.

Why does calipso allow Odysseus to leave her island?

Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island after Athene asks Zeus to tell Calyspo that if she doesnt allow Odysseus to leave her island that if she doesnt that Zeus will strike her with a thunderbolt and kill her as he is not a prisoner to her island and need to get home to be with Penelope (his wife). Zeus sends Hermes the messenger God to tell Calypso. Although Calypso is furious and doesnt want Odysseus to leave, she lets him because obviously she doesnt want to die so she helps him build a raft and gives him gifts for his journey home.

Why can't Odysseus and his men not leave Circe island?

She turned his men into pigs...