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Dogs may feel scared or threatened by cats, but it depends on the individual animals and their past experiences. Some dogs may be afraid of cats due to their size, agility, or assertive behavior. It is important to introduce them properly and supervise their interactions to ensure their safety and comfort.

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Q: Are dogs scared of cats
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Why are the cats scared of dogs?

they are not.

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Do animals get scard esey?

Animals do get scared. One such animal is the pigeon. When you are close to them, they fly away. Dogs and cats also get scared. Most cats are scared of water. Some dogs are scared of fireworks.

Are all cats afraid of dogs?

No, because I have 5 cats and none of them are afraid of my 2 dogs.

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Dogs growl and cats purr what does that mean?

Dogs and cats have different responses to fear and pleasure. When dogs are happy they wag their tails. Cats purr when they are happy. When dogs are scared they growl. Cats also growl when they are scared.

Why is my dog scared of cats?

Dogs may be scared of cats due to their natural instincts and past experiences. Cats are often seen as predators by dogs, triggering fear and anxiety. Additionally, if a dog has had a negative encounter with a cat in the past, it can lead to a lasting fear response.

What did Napoleon fear is it cats or dogs?

He was scared of dogs. when he was little, he got bit by one and never got over it.

Are cats scard of dogs?

No, not really, that's just a myth. A cat can sometimes be scared of dogs, but most of the time they aren't.

What animals are scared to death of cats?

Any of the cats prey, like mice and fish. Also, small dogs like Chihuahua's are sometimes terrified of cats.

Why are cats and dogs scared of flashlights?

Dogs are scared of lightning because it is loud and it is bright. Some dogs don't like loud noises. Some dogs do though like the shooting dogs cause they have to be used to the gun shot.

Are cats scared of monkeys?

Yes,cats are scared of monkeys