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Yes, a puppy can still get parvo after vaccination, but the risk is significantly reduced. Vaccination is the best way to protect against parvo, but it is not 100 effective. It is important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule and practice good hygiene to minimize the risk of infection.

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Q: Can a puppy still get parvo after vaccination?
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When a puppy gets prvo shot when can they touch the ground?

A puppy who has just receieved a parvo vaccine can touch the ground immediately, as long as they are not in direct contact with a canine who has the parvo virus. It is unlikely for a puppy to contact parvo immediately after vaccination.

Do you have to wait for parvo to clear in your dog before vaccination?

yes you should wait, though many vets aren't certain if vaccination after the puppy has had parvo will help. Once it has parvo once the antibodies in it are still present and working, its kind of like the chicken pox, though their are different strains of the disease. Talk to your vet before making any decisions

How soon after you puppy's second vaccination can she go out?

. If you do take him/her for a walk, make sure you keep the puppy away from other dogs and other dogs feces, as they can carry the parvo virus.

How does a puppy get parvo?

Parvo is caught by inhaling, eating, bacteria from poo. You should give all puppies their full set of vaccinations, parvo is really dangerous and unless you want your puppy to die you should give it its vaccinations

Can a fully vacinated puppy-3 sets-5 months old-still get parvo?

It is actually possible--see a vet if you suspect parvo ASAP.

Should I put my puppy to sleep if he has parvo?


Is there any way you can help a blue nose pitbull puppy out of parvo?

A puppy of ANY breed of dog that is suspected to have Parvovirus needs immediate vet care. Parvo can kill a puppy within hours.

What is the Correct dosage of penicillin for an American bulldog puppy with parvo puppy is in her 5th day of parvo her weight is 12-14 pounds how many cc or milagrams?

Please contact a vet

Why is your 3 week old puppy not active?

How old is your puppy? If you have not given your puppy his puppy could be Parvo. Parvo will kill if it is not treated. You need to get your puppy to the vet for blood test. my puppy is 6 months old- she has gotten all of her shots. that's why im concerned. i just got back from the vet- but he said he wasnt sure what was going on. they ran some blood and urine tests so im waiting for the results. how is parvo found?

Is Parvo contagious?

Yes, Parvo is highly contagious among dogs. It can be spread through direct contact with an infected dog or contaminated environment. Vaccination is the best way to prevent Parvo infection.

Can dogs get parvo from cats?

No. Parvo is a disease ONLY in dogs that attacks the cells in the GI tract. This disease is not zoonotic (humans cannot catch it) and neither can felines. Felines can get another form of parvo called panleukopenia unrelated to Parvo with similar symptoms. But dogs can't catch it from cats and vice versa.Source: Veterinary Technician at an emergency and specialty hospital.

Your puppy has parvo just showed symptoms yesterday lethargic no fever no diarhea and no vomiting cannot afford 1K hospital stay you have lost another puppy a nephew you buried Thursday and now this?

The nephew must had got parvo from coming in contact with the puppy's feces.