On the transfer case by the rear drive line. It's a three wire connector. On the transfer case by the rear drive line. It's a three wire connector.
I have removed all bolts an linkage, I tried separating the transmission and transfer case and can't get it to come apart
1995 Chevrolet Lumina where do you find the transfer case
remove both front and rear driveshafts or if your 4x4 shifter has a neutral position put the transfer case in neutral and transmission in neutral and it should be fine if no neutral is presant in the 4x4 selection remove drive shafts.
A 1995 Dodge Ram does not have a transfer case control module. The transfer case is mechanically controlled.
The transfer case takes atf, use dextron.
Full it until it starts drizzling out of the fill hole on the transfer case.
2.5 QTS.
Yes, with the 1995 transfer case to match !
Through the plug on the middle rear of the case.