Army preventative medicine may function in two major areas: pre-deployment and deployment health. Pre-deployment health involves ensuring that soldiers meet medical and physical requirements before being deployed, thus minimizing health risks during deployment. Deployment health involves ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and control of environmental and occupational health hazards soldiers may encounter during their deployment.
It was a medicine that treated soldiers that were wounded.It was a medicine that treated soldiers that were wounded.
They had injuries.
There were every kind of injuries you could imagine - and many you could not.
That more soldiers were dying of diseases than from war injuries.
All SEAL members, as are all combat sailors/soldiers, are trained in battlefield medicine and first aid. All teams/squads typically have a trained medic with them, given the high possibility of combat injuries.
It caused devastating injuries to soldiers.
Over 620,000 soldiers died in the US Civil War. Many tens of thousands suffered injuries which were in some cases light injuries to major cases where a limb had to be amputated.
Cooler morning hours
Some woman fight. Some are nurses and help the soilders with their injuries.