The Patron Saint Index lists no particular saint assigned the patron saint of honesty. All saints were honest.
Saint Thomas More is known for his honesty and moral integrity. He was a devout Catholic who served as Lord Chancellor of England and remained true to his beliefs, even in the face of political pressure and ultimately martyrdom for refusing to compromise his conscience.
He was probably not very honest when he worked as a tax collector for the Romans. Tax collectors were renowned as being dishonest. However, he changed once he became an apostle.
St. Patrick was quite religious and honest so, if he had homework, he did it by himself, perhaps with the help of his parents. His mother
No, it's not. To be honest Nintendo games are terrible compared to xbox and ps3 games. The day when saints row comes out for the wii, is the day the world ends.
It means to be honest
more honest most honest.
The verb form for honest is "to be honest."
it is correct to say an honest, as in "make an honest man outta him!"
The comparative degree of the word "honest" is "more honest."
To be honest with you, I really don't care.Let's be honest, you are a bit pompous.He was very honest with the police.i didn't do it sir, honest!