J.K Rowling's unicorn blood is a shiny silver. This is the same colour as what is seen in the movie.
In the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, unicorn blood is described as silver in color. It is known to have magical properties, including the ability to keep a person alive, but at a terrible cost.
No, that's a Harry Potter thing... unicorn blood is red. Authorities disagree, but the true master Ms. JK Rowling maintains that unicorn blood is indeed silver.
J.K Rowling's eye color is blue. she has blue eyes
JK Rowling's parents are Peter Rowling and Anne Rowling.
J.K. Rowling is known for having blonde hair.
JK Rowling reports that she is not a pro with the computer, so she only uses it to write books on. JK Rowling does not have an email
J.K. Rowling has blue eyes.
JK Rowling attended Wyedean School and College.
J.K Rowling was giving one award for Harry Potter and the Price of Blood. J.K Rowling received five awards altogether.
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Scholastic, 2005.
The Kensington house of JK Rowling is located in London, England.
JK Rowling is an author. She is the author of the Harry Potter series of books.