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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Russian philosopher and literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin argued that thought and language in literature are intricately intertwined and coexistent, each shaping and influencing the other. According to Bakhtin, language is not just a passive tool for expressing thoughts, but rather a dynamic force that actively shapes and constructs thought in literature.

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Q: Who said thought and language in literature are for the most part interfolded each in other?
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Language is the vehicle through which literature is created, as writers use words to convey their thoughts and ideas. Literature, in turn, enriches and expands language by showcasing its expressive potential through various forms like poetry, prose, and drama. Both language and literature influence each other, with language evolving through literature and literature drawing on language for its creative expression.

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What is the difference between language and thought?

Language refers to the system of communication using words, symbols, and grammar, while thought refers to the mental processes and ideas that occur within an individual's mind. While language enables us to express and communicate thoughts, thought can exist independent of language. In other words, language is the tool we use to express and convey our thoughts, while thought is the content of our mental processes.

How does literature support cognitive and language development?

Literature exposes individuals to rich language patterns, vocabulary, and sentence structures, which can enhance cognitive and language development. Reading engages the brain in complex processes such as comprehension, analysis, and interpretation, which can help improve critical thinking skills and language abilities. Additionally, exposure to diverse characters and experiences in literature can foster empathy and social understanding, contributing to overall cognitive and emotional growth.

What is the difference of local literature to a foreign literature?

Local literature is from the region the reader is, and foreign literature is from another region. If one is living in the United States, literature from the U.S. would be local, and literature from say the Philippines.

What is the relationship between Language and English?

Language - it is the usage of that easy word which we use to communicate with each otherin our day to day life. while conversing with each other we are never using the bookish word. We are only using the easy words which are easy to understand in in speaking. Usage of Effective language also leads and lit your future propspects. While In Literature - it is the advance form of language, which have almost bookish words i.e. strong vocublary, even it needs intelligency to understand the litrary meaning of the quoted word. In this mode, we are use less words but convey broad meaning in the message. Language is the basic mode while literature is the advance mode just like i.e. words are the language and phrases are the literature.

Literature separate from language?

Literature is the art of written works that express ideas and emotions through the use of language. While literature is dependent on language for its expression, it goes beyond the mere communication of information to engage with themes, narratives, and aesthetic elements that evoke deeper emotional and intellectual responses from the reader. In this way, literature transcends language to become a form of artistic expression.

Is English literature better than English language and literature?

It is subjective to say whether one is better than the other as they focus on different aspects of the English language. English literature typically focuses on the study of literary works, while English language and literature includes a broader scope that encompasses the study of language, linguistics, and literary works. It ultimately depends on individual preferences and interests.